Climate Alarmism

The oldest trick in the book.


Failed Predictions

How often can you get it wrong? Doomsday predictions are as old as civilization itself.


Effects of CO2 on the bioshere

Over earths geological timescale since multicellular life CO2 levels have varied far greater than anything during our lifetime. Is there an optimum for carbon-based lifeforms? And what are dangerous CO2 levels?


Human caused climate change

Humans completely dominate the biosphere and certainly influence the climate, but CO2 is only a minor part of it. Summer daytime high temperatures have nothing to do with CO2 at all.


Eternal icesheets

A visual representation on how much icesheets actually change compared to other human activities.


280ppm vs 410ppm

A visual representation parts per million. The teaser image is not a black image. It shows our current CO2 concentraton. (Full size is in article)

CO2 modelling as a greenhouse gas (Coming soon!)

Let's bring some the math into the climate change investigation. Showing some graphs and images is neat, but without a predictive model tying all observations together these examples might just be a random collection of independent data. It's a step by step development of an energy model.

Writing a research application

How to get government funding.

What is Air Temperature?

A Prussian Heathen exclusive

I'm an engineer and scientist who's research interest is natural sciences. However I haven't chosen the typical University path as a natural scientist and therefore don't depend on any government research grants. In the modern University, scientists are pushed to do research that 'benefits humanity' to get funding. This encourages virtue signalling by scientists and they find ways to justify their research as valuble to society. The bigger a threat the more funding you get, hence correcting dubious disaster claims in the media don't get corrected because a more scared society generates more research funding. This strategy is copied from religions which scare people with hell. I'm not in the business of showing good intentions and only provide my analysis of climate change.

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